SQS Extended: a serverless producer/consumer chain

Introduction A few days ago I wrote about a simple stack that leverage API Gateway and Lambda-proxy integration to create a safe upload endpoint to let unknown users push inside a bucket of your choice. The stack I will present today is can be used to build a producer-consumer chain, by implementing the SQS Extended pattern you can find in AWS exams. For the most curious, here you can find the core code....

June 4, 2019 · 5 min

Build an upload form with 45 lines of Typescript

Introduction The AWS CDK is becoming day by day pretty easy to use. I use Typescript, and today I will talk about a common use case: a simple Upload Endpoint for your API Gateway than like a LEGO can be built with a few instructions and of course…without the need of any server. For the most curious, here you can find the core code. Scenario You want to provide an endpoint to upload object: where?...

May 29, 2019 · 6 min

How to deploy a serverless contact form with API Gateway, DynamoDB and SNS

Introduction Hi everybody, thanks for the claps, it was a great month - rain rain rain again - now I’m back. The only GOOD THING of this terrible May is that AWS CDK came to simplify our life and I started using it (just a little) bit - still, enough to say, sincerely: it’s awesome. I used the Typescript version, everything is broken 2 release out of 3 but the time you save exploring the interfaces instead of looking for Cloudformation documentation online worths the time spending in troubleshooting the ongoing changes....

May 23, 2019 · 6 min

A Bugs Life: stories of a software engineer

Disclaimer I’m on a train, back from Frankfurt - Germany, another of the cities to collect together with the ones I visited in this experience abroad in search of myself, trying to figure out who I am and who I want to be. Why this post and what to expect…Well, why, it’s simple: I recently studied a lot and got my AWS certifications (yuppie), I didn’t stop studying because I already planned other exams (really one of a bad idea of mine) and I also started to use my free time to go ahead with a couple of side-projects - they are super time-consuming....

May 12, 2019 · 9 min

From Cloudformation to CDK: the good, the bad and the evil

Prelude As you know might be aware of, AWS has quite recently delivered - but it’s still in beta - the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). Indeed, you should also know that I more recently migrated my blog to AWS as part of my migration strategy to the clouds - where my head already sits since 1991. Since I was using a Cloudformation stack though together with one of my colleagues, and since I did some manual changes to it - breaking the rules, I know - I decided it was a good moment to give a chance to CDK....

March 25, 2019 · 14 min

Software developing and Data science

Software developing and Data science I recently had the chance to think about software developing and data science: it’s not about the fact that I hate everything that contains the word data inside, but I was somehow interdicted by sentences like this. [..] we found that - specially with Amazon retail - we can really accelerate the use of machine learning if not everyone needs to be a data scientist. Although data scientists play an important role, there are many cases in which you just have a smart coder to pick an algorithm instead of developing it all by its self....

March 18, 2019 · 5 min

GraphQL is the new black

Prelude GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data. GraphQL was developed internally by Facebook in 2012 before being publicly released in 2015 because - believe me or not - it was quite tricky for them dealing with their schema. It allows clients to define the structure of the data required, and exactly the same structure of the data is returned from the server, therefore preventing excessively large amounts of data from being returned....

March 5, 2019 · 1 min

A serverless blog using CodePipeline, s3 and CloudFront

Goodbye old blog 😭😭 I disapperead for a while because as you should notice, first of all - I have a new domain. HAHA. It’s not the first one I own, but to be honest it’s the first time I use a domain for myself. So as I was saying yes, this post is about a migration. Morever, since this is the very first cross platform cross domain blog post - I want to share with you what I learnt and what is still missing, how I did what I did but mainly how someelse did what I didn’t....

February 24, 2019 · 8 min

A journey through the network - Hands on (Part 1)

Prelude A long long time ago (I can still remember as Madonna sang) I started to wrote some posts about the network. For those who missed the previous posts, you can read the introduction, the physycal layer and the datalink layer respectively. As a main source I use Computer Networks and TCP/IP Illustrated. In the previous posts I had to go into details about how some parts of the physical layer works but - by going forward through the layers - concepts belonging to separate historical standards - OSI and IP - will intertwine and this entails some troubles from a logical point of view....

February 18, 2019 · 21 min

Security and Docker: tips and tricks

Introduction Everyone use Docker and normally when something is so diffused, there’s always someone else that try to figure out how to leverage the diffusion to do bad things (you know what happened in Breaking Bad). Only a few months ago it happened that someone pushed some malicious software - cryptomining - over lot of images: this happened because, despite the fact that everyone use Docker, not so many people are really aware about security over Docker....

February 7, 2019 · 18 min