Machine Learning is useless

Preamble I would like to say “recently”, but actually is almost a few years I heard - and I’m still hearing a lot about Machine Learning and I didn’t want to believe it until now - believe me, I truly didn’t want to believe it - but yes here we are Machine Learning ufficially replace Big Data as buzzy word of the this past years, most problably will be still the word of the next year and I could not be more sad, frustrated, and worried about....

December 19, 2018 · 9 min

Migrations in modern companies: how to expect the unexpected from a real-life point of view

Prelude Disclaimer this post contains references to real problems, addressed in a disuruptive and totally not informed way. Lot of employees were mistreated to have enough material to write this post. What you will read is played by professionals: dont’t try this in your Company. The truth about companies Today every company in this beautifull world suffers the same problem: the migration problem. Yes, I know you got it and you’re kind of thinking “what the fuck?...

November 18, 2018 · 5 min

DRY, immutable, opinionated, agnostic

Prelude As far as I know there are many ways to create today in IT. What is becoming more difficult is doing it properly and taking the right decisions but (spoiler)… But… I’m starting feeling that my repository is on the right direction to be self.deployable and agnostic. Above the infrastructure, which is provisioned by terragrunt and terraform, one or more actor(s) is placed (i.e. Jenkins, but whoever it is), the actors will be redeployed, the pipelines restored and they will start redeploy applications (even pieces of infrastructure with dependencies) on their behalf to the various parts of the infrastructure....

October 21, 2018 · 9 min

I'm still learning

Prelude Ok, first of all: I know, I have already used the yoda picture below in the past, but even if I am not at all a fan of the Star Wars saga, I like it. ATTENTION! This is a deeply desperate post: don’t judge me, I’m sad, I’m alone, it’s raining, I don’t feel to have any perspective but there’s a positive thing: I’m still learning. So… let’s divide the complaints by sectors....

March 15, 2018 · 9 min

Best wishes for Christmas holidays!

Merry Christmas by nerds Here we are!! Christmas holidays are coming and it’s time to collect nerd greetings for nerd friends! In this article I have collected some of my favorites: starting from css to the most unhealthy c code in the world, I hope you enjoy these repositories / snippets / gist / sketch! Best wishes for happy holidays! CSS While I was looking for some cool css stuff to share with you, I found this fantastic gist that show the kind of magic a web expert can do with a bunch of css lines....

December 24, 2017 · 2 min

Fundamentals by an ITalian guy

Prelude Nobody ever tells you enough: you need to know the fundamentals. Ok - what am I talking about? I would rather limit myself to talking about computer science, something I really do not know about. Intro As this blog says, I’m an IT guy, and I reiterate that…I do not know anything about computer science. It is of course a fault of mine, at least in part, but I think it is also due to the time we live, the opportunities that surround me, the needs of the market, an endless amount of statistics about the world, the number people who live, the kind of people who are gone, the people who govern, the people who don’t, the available types of work, the new laws, the old laws, the borders, netflix-facebook-twitter-snapchat-telegram-instagram-pinterest-reddit-batman, certainly also because of Tweedledum and Tweedledee, and so many others things....

December 19, 2017 · 9 min