Security and Docker: tips and tricks

Introduction This is a repost of an old article :) Everyone use Docker and normally when something is so diffused, there’s always someone else that try to figure out how to leverage the diffusion to do bad things (you know what happened in Breaking Bad). Only a few months ago it happened that someone pushed some malicious software - cryptomining - over lot of images: this happened because, despite the fact that everyone use Docker, not so many people are really aware about security over Docker....

May 7, 2021 · 18 min

Security and Docker: tips and tricks

Introduction Everyone use Docker and normally when something is so diffused, there’s always someone else that try to figure out how to leverage the diffusion to do bad things (you know what happened in Breaking Bad). Only a few months ago it happened that someone pushed some malicious software - cryptomining - over lot of images: this happened because, despite the fact that everyone use Docker, not so many people are really aware about security over Docker....

February 7, 2019 · 18 min