Devops strategies

Intro As you might know, I use to work with AWS doing and destroying stuff like many other devopssss out there: this post is all about some challenges and problems I had to deal recently - in the last months - and involves some notes about how to deal with multistage environments, decoupling and many other practices you should all know about. The first thing to emphasize is that each of these best practices is fairly clear and well-defined, for sure online (perhaps discussed by bloggers more experienced than me XD) and deeply described in many books. The problem - at least, in my experience - is not about understanding these best practices, sharing them within a team and starting to use them as a group. The huge problem is actually the one of verifying and scaffold a behavioral pattern to put them in place, by definition of standards within a context that did not use them previously. ...

December 8, 2019 · 12 min

Software developing and Data science

Software developing and Data science I recently had the chance to think about software developing and data science: it’s not about the fact that I hate everything that contains the word data inside, but I was somehow interdicted by sentences like this. [..] we found that - specially with Amazon retail - we can really accelerate the use of machine learning if not everyone needs to be a data scientist. Although data scientists play an important role, there are many cases in which you just have a smart coder to pick an algorithm instead of developing it all by its self. ...

March 18, 2019 · 5 min