The await/async concurrency pattern in Golang

Introduction First of all…happy new year! I decided after a while to come back online speaking about Golang. In this post, I will focus on parallelism and concurrency and how you can achieve the same behavioral pattern you can achieve with Node.js using await/async statements, without the difficulties (hopefully) of dealing with Single Threaded Event Loop and these primitives (that, btw, keep things really simple). Let’s start! A bit of confusion Concurrency and parallelism are two terms that are bound to come across often when looking into multitasking and are often used interchangeably. However, they mean two distinctly different things. Concurrency is all about the following: ...

January 2, 2020 · 10 min

GoLang vs Python: deep dive into the concurrency

Introduction In the last months, I worked a lot with GoLang on several projects. Although I’m certainly not an expert, there are several things that I really appreciate about this language: first, it has a clear and simple syntax, and more than once I noticed that the style of the Github developers is very close to the style used in old C programs. From a theoretical point of view, GoLang seems to take the best of all worlds: there is the power of high-level languages, made simple by clear rules - even if sometime they are a little bit binding - that can impose a solid logic to the code. There is the simplicity of the imperative style, made of primitive types with the size in bits in their name, but without the boredom of manipulating strings as array of characters. However, two really useful and interesting features in my opinion are the goroutine and the channels. ...

January 17, 2018 · 16 min

How to plan your daily activity with Python

The problems of life Each of us has dreams, aspirations, hobbies, interests, but also hundreds of deadlines, a thousand commitments, ten thousand thoughts, a hundred thousand different problems to cope with every day. I am a computer scientist and personally all these things in my life translate into a huge pile of [things/books/articles/guide/blogs] to read, which by the way are very often interrelated. The situation is more or less this: ...

December 14, 2017 · 7 min