AWS Amplify in 2023: the good, the bad, and the evil

Prelude Today I want to deep dive into how you can leverage AWS Amplify, a tool that provides a comprehensive set of tools and services that streamline the process of developing and deploying web applications on AWS infrastructure: we will explore how to build a web application served by AWS API Gateway and Lambda functions. We will walk through the steps of initializing an Amplify project, adding Lambda functions, linking them to an API, and implementing authentication mechanisms....

May 5, 2023 · 8 min


Prelude Today I’m gonna talk about how you can leverage Traefik2, k3s, Cloudflare, and RaspberryPI to get the best out of your…apartment. After the image, I’ll go through the setup of everything needed! Why Traefik2 For those of you who never heard the word Traefik before, here it is: Traefik is an open-source Edge Router that makes publishing your services seamless. I already made some experiments in the past (look at my two-pieces series I run VSC in the browser and I am just fine - Part I and My team run VSC in the browser and they are just fine - Part II) and I’ve always been fascinated by the way Traefik just works....

March 24, 2021 · 10 min