Fundamentals by an ITalian guy

Prelude Nobody ever tells you enough: you need to know the fundamentals. Ok - what am I talking about? I would rather limit myself to talking about computer science, something I really do not know about. Intro As this blog says, I’m an IT guy, and I reiterate that…I do not know anything about computer science. It is of course a fault of mine, at least in part, but I think it is also due to the time we live, the opportunities that surround me, the needs of the market, an endless amount of statistics about the world, the number people who live, the kind of people who are gone, the people who govern, the people who don’t, the available types of work, the new laws, the old laws, the borders, netflix-facebook-twitter-snapchat-telegram-instagram-pinterest-reddit-batman, certainly also because of Tweedledum and Tweedledee, and so many others things....

December 19, 2017 · 9 min

Golang, Docker and multistage build

Recipe for a good meal A few months ago I started working with Golang to a proof-of-concept project using the amazing goa package (thank you atosatto for your advise): I omit the praise, I would only say that - imho - Golang it’s a very funny language to use for many reasons (stay tuned, I will write about Golang and my favourite packages). However, in this post I want to share a little piece of my experience about this project: the main ingredients for this recipe are Golang (in particular the goa package) and Docker - with some piece of Angular 4, nginx, and minor stuff....

December 18, 2017 · 9 min

Java 8 Pills

Why Java why now I recently followed a course1 on YouTube by Adib Saikali (NewCircle Instructor) about the key features introduced in Java > 8: it’s an old post regarding old stuff but…I collected some notes (mainly because I need to write down what I’m listening to to stay focused and learn new concepts) that I decided to share with you. This is to say, this post is for every one that had put aside Java for a while and is now looking for a quick overview of the key aspects - exactly like me some weeks ago - to improve his abilities in coding, taking advantage of the old (n....

December 15, 2017 · 19 min

How to plan your daily activity with Python

The problems of life Each of us has dreams, aspirations, hobbies, interests, but also hundreds of deadlines, a thousand commitments, ten thousand thoughts, a hundred thousand different problems to cope with every day. I am a computer scientist and personally all these things in my life translate into a huge pile of [things/books/articles/guide/blogs] to read, which by the way are very often interrelated. The situation is more or less this:...

December 14, 2017 · 7 min