Jails: confining the omnipotent root

Preamble Recently I became nostalgic and fascinated with stuff from the past, so I decided to create a Vagrantfile to work with FreeBSD1. Why FreeBSD? Because as a developer, I really like Docker and I started looking in the past to find its historical birth: in fact, as a concept, Docker is no so recent as you think, and I think it exists also because of the works of some other bigs from 80’, such as Poul-Henning Kamp2....

January 8, 2018 · 10 min

Best wishes for Christmas holidays!

Merry Christmas by nerds Here we are!! Christmas holidays are coming and it’s time to collect nerd greetings for nerd friends! In this article I have collected some of my favorites: starting from css to the most unhealthy c code in the world, I hope you enjoy these repositories / snippets / gist / sketch! Best wishes for happy holidays! CSS While I was looking for some cool css stuff to share with you, I found this fantastic gist that show the kind of magic a web expert can do with a bunch of css lines....

December 24, 2017 · 2 min

The Doomsday rule

The Doomsday rule A few months ago I came across the name of J. H. Conway: you’re wondering who the hell he is. Well, Conway is an English mathematician active in the theory of finite groups, knot theory, number theory, combinatorial game theory and coding theory. He has also contributed to many branches of recreational mathematics and he is the invention of the Game of Life. Ah, I was forgetting one last thing: he is currently Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Princeton University in New Jersey1....

December 23, 2017 · 9 min

Fundamentals by an ITalian guy

Prelude Nobody ever tells you enough: you need to know the fundamentals. Ok - what am I talking about? I would rather limit myself to talking about computer science, something I really do not know about. Intro As this blog says, I’m an IT guy, and I reiterate that…I do not know anything about computer science. It is of course a fault of mine, at least in part, but I think it is also due to the time we live, the opportunities that surround me, the needs of the market, an endless amount of statistics about the world, the number people who live, the kind of people who are gone, the people who govern, the people who don’t, the available types of work, the new laws, the old laws, the borders, netflix-facebook-twitter-snapchat-telegram-instagram-pinterest-reddit-batman, certainly also because of Tweedledum and Tweedledee, and so many others things....

December 19, 2017 · 9 min